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 Chapter XVI - PIYA VAGGA - Affection



Piyato jayati soko piyato jayati bhayam
Piyato vippamuttassa natthi soko kuto bhayam.

From endearment springs grief, from endearment springs fear; for him who is wholly free from endearment there is no grief, much less fear. [212]

XVI: 02 The Buddha comforts the afflicted

Once, a rich householder was very depressed over the death of his son. He used to go to the cemetery and weep there. Early one morning, when the Buddha saw this householder in his vision he went to see him and asked why he was feeling so sad. Then the man related the death of his son and about the pain and sorrow he was suffering. The Buddha consoled him, 'Death does not occur only in one place. All beings that are born must die one day. Indeed, life ends in death. You must ever be mindful of the fact that life ends in death. Do not think that only your beloved son was subject to death. Do not be so distressed or be so shaken. Sorrow and fear arise out of endearment.

Perceiving the fleeting nature of life, the rich householder attained the first stage of Sainthood.

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This webpage was updated 22nd March 2024
